Sometimes you stumble..Make it part of the Dance

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I am deeFire .
Always persevering, Ever changing, Growing and ALWAYS AMAZING!

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New Artist Learning the ropes: webpage  

Ok  so many things are daunting as a New Kid on the block. Who would've thought that there are so many- quadrillion things even, that go into being master at your craft beyond the "write and sing" part?

I'll jump a few steps ahead and share briefly about one part of the production chain of a song:

A website vis-à-vis Marketing.

My advice is DO IT YOURSELF(DIY) without really doing it yourself!

If you were to DIY, you would need to learn a new craft altogether. Hence to really DIY would necessarily involve taking on a new career path possibly by having to learn website programming language, search engine optimization and a host of techie things that as an artist , you simply don't have time for or cannot afford to use this time to be doing anything besides from churning out great music.

Here is an example of REALLY DIY <<<<------ A little crappy, right?  

I couldn't agree more. I created that after spending hours learning some of the web coding language, and it turned out far from where it needs to be.

A basic website for an artist should have three basic pages:
1. Info about you, such as a Bio
2. Your music with options to download or purchase
3. A Press Kit

This is where you DON'T REALLY DIY.

There are custom made websites for musicians that are user friendly and can assist you in setting up your artist webpage. I got a jump start with Bandzoogle- no this is not a paid announcement. I am actually paying for the service, and so far I am pleased. So I ditched my DIY website (at least for now) and I am not really doing it myself at   

One step at a time. We can do it!


#newartist #learningmusicindustry


Many of the world day celebrations create painful reminders of what may be missing in some lives- a father perhaps? Not everyone gets a warm , bubbly feeling inside when the thought of a father or fathers’ day surfaces. Sadness or indifference is in it’s stead. 

Let’s help those along to be strong! 

A critical resource for children is having mother and father who are present in their lives. UNICEF estimates that there about 132million children who are orphans! If you are reading this, it means that whether or not you have parents, you still have access and opportunity to use key resources of today! We have so much to be grateful for- if we have the luxury to celebrate our Father, we can be grateful. If we don’t, we still have much for which we can be thankful- a little food, a little smile perhaps? 

DeeFire ~ Siempre fiel, ever growing, always amazing!